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Launched in June 2010, DraftSight allows users to create, edit and view DWG files. DraftSight generally takes a few minutes to download and runs on multiple operating systems, including Mac OS, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 and is available for professional CAD users, students and educators. Linux support will be available later this. Download 3DVIA Shape - An intuitive application that helps you design 3D models and publish them directly on the Internet, while allowing you to take snapshots and save them to JPG or PNG file format. If you're a RuneScape veteran hungry for nostalgia, get stuck right in to Old School RuneScape. Download and re-live the adventure. Free 3dvia composer download. Photo & Graphics tools downloads - 3DVIA Composer by Dassault Systemes and many more programs are available for instant and free download. Download 3DVIA Shape - An intuitive application that helps you design 3D models and publish them directly on the Internet, while allowing you to take snapshots and save them to JPG or PNG file format.

3dvia Download Mac Game
3DVIA Shape is an innovative software that makes 3D design easy for anyone. It's the perfect application for people new to 3D, as well as experienced 3D specialists.
Deform - Create smooth, curved surfaces for boats, planes, rockets or anything else that comes to mind.
Revolve - Draw flat shapes and revolve them around an axis to form cylindrical 3D objects such as cones, spheres, cups, vases, etc.
Offset -..
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- Rate:
- Release Date:10/10/2011
- License:Freeware
- Category:Multimedia & Graphic Design
- Developer:Dassault Systemes
- Downloads:71
- Size:503 Kb
- Price: Free
To free download a trial version of 3DVIA Shape, click here
To visit developer homepage of 3DVIA Shape, click here
System Requirements
3DVIA Shape requires Windows. Apple emulator free mac.
3DVIA Shape v.6.210.11008 Copyright
Shareware Junction periodically updates pricing and software information of 3DVIA Shape v.6.210.11008 full version from the publisher using pad file and submit from users. Software piracy is theft, Using crack, password, serial numbers, registration codes, key generators, cd key, hacks is illegal and prevent future development of 3DVIA Shape v.6.210.11008 Edition. Download links are directly from our publisher sites. Links 3DVIA Shape v.6.210.11008 from Bittorrent, mediafire.com, uploadfiles.com, hotfiles.com rapidshare.com, megaupload.com, netload.in, storage.to, depositfiles.com and other files hosting are not allowed. The download file is obtained directly from the publisher, not from any Peer to Peer file sharing applications such as Shareaza, Limewire, Kazaa, Imesh, eDonkey, eMule, Ares, BearShare, Overnet, Morpheus, BitTorrent Azureus and WinMX.
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As more and more companies have assessed their processes for creating technical documentation like parts lists and assembly instructions, 3DVIA Composer has gained popularity. This tool is a must have for re-using your 3D CAD assemblies to illustrate how your products work through exploded views, animations, marketing images, web content and the like. Recently, the new V6R2013X version was released. As I’ve been answering a lot of installation and upgrading questions lately, I thought it might be time to gather the important information and get it at your fingertips. So here it goes, this is what you need to know to install, upgrade or even move 3DVIA Composer to a different computer.
Composer is a fairly young product (especially in comparison to its big brother- Solidworks). Therefore there are always improvements and new functionality coming out with the new releases. Each year there are at least 2 version released- first a major version release and then an “X” version. For example, V6R2013 was released over the summer and V6R2013X was just recently released at the end of the year. This tool will keep getting better and better so upgrading at least once a year will keep you on top of the latest and greatest features.
Solidworks files are the most common type of 3D CAD file used in Composer. If you’re using Solidworks files you need to stay ahead of the Solidworks version used to create the files. Each major release of Composer is compatible with the previous year’s major release of Solidworks. The “X” release of Composer is compatible with its matching Solidworks version. For example:
- Composer Version V6R2013 can open files created in Solidworks 2012 and previous
- Composer Version V6R2013X can open files created in Solidworks 2013 and previous
If you want to use Composer on a computer that does not have Solidworks installed on it and you want to be able to work with Solidworks files, then you DO need the Solidworks Importer. Don’t worry – it comes with your purchase of Composer, there’s nothing extra to buy. If you have Solidworks installed on the same machine as Composer, then you DO NOT need the Solidworks Importer. Composer will use Solidworks itself to convert your files.
Composer does not have an upgrade function so in order to upgrade you’ll uninstall your current version and then re-install the new version. The uninstall can be done the typical way by going to Start- Control Panel- Programs and Features. Highlight 3DVIA Composer in the list and click uninstall. If you’re using the Solidworks Importer then you PROBABLY need to uninstall that too. The only time you DO NOT need to uninstall the Importer is:
- You have Solidworks installed on the same computer as Composer and it has always been that way
- You are upgrading from an “X” version to the next major release version (ie. from V6R2012X to
In order to install the importer:
- Navigate to the UninstallSWImporter batch file located in C:Program FilesDassault Systemes3DVIAComposerX.XSW20XX
- Run the file
- WAIT’ it will bring up a DOS command and look like nothing is happening but you should notice that the files in that folder are disappearing. When it’s finished there will only be a few files left. At that point the SW Importer has been uninstalled.
You can install Composer from the DVD or by downloading the files. Using the DVD is pretty simple and straightforward. Put it in, choose whether you want to install Composer, the Solidworks Importer or both, and you’re off to the races (see topic above for deciding whether you need the Importer). If you need to download and install, here are the steps:
- Log into your customer portal at customerportal.solidworks.com
- Click “Downloads and Updates”
- Click the “3DVIA Composer” tab
- If you DO NOT need the Solidworks Importer:
- Click “3DVIA Composer (XX-bit)”
- Accept the License Agreement and download it
- When the download finishes go ahead and run the executable to start the installation
- You will not be prompted to choose whether to install the Importer
- If you DO need the Solidworks Importer:a. Click “DVD Content, XX-bit 1 of 2”
- Accept the License Agreement and download it
- Click “DVD Content, XX-bit 2 of 2”
- Accept the License Agreement and download it
- Run both files to extract them to the same folder
- Run the executable file to start the installation
- Just like with the DVD, you will choose whether you want to install Composer, the Solidworks Importer or both’ you can choose both.
3DVIA Composer can be purchased as a standalone license or a network configuration. A standalone license is for one computer. A network configuration will allow you to install it on as many computer as you want, but only a certain number can be used at the same time. In either case, when you first launch Composer (if you have not had it installed before) you’ll get a “3DVIA Composer – Registration” pop up. Click “Install a License'” and you’ll be able to request your license file by email. If you have problems getting your License File contact your VAR and they’ll be happy to help you. Once you get the License File the next steps are different for a standalone or network:
Standalone users: Open Composer and click the question mark icon in the upper left corner of the screen, then choose “Register License” – “Install a License” – “Open License Folder”. Copy your license file there and you’re good to go.
Network users: Contact your VAR for more explicit instructions on setting up the server to host the License Manager.
Standalone seats of 3DVIA Composer can be installed on only one computer at a time because the License File is tied to the Host ID (aka MAC address) of that specific computer. There is no home use activation like there is with Solidworks. If you want to use it on a different computer you’ll need to fill out a “Change in HOST ID” form which can be obtained from your VAR. You’ll sign that you’ve uninstalled Composer from your original machine and then you can get a new License File for the new machine.

If you have any questions please let me know in the comments section.