Free International Calls From Mac

If you're an Apple user, you'll be able to call from any iPhone, iPad, or Mac computer. Much like WhatsApp, FaceTime offers easy international calling at absolutely no cost, but it does come with. Skype is a free app for Android, Apple, and Windows devices. If you need to send text messages or call a cell phone or landline, you will have to pay a monthly fee. So in a nutshell, Skype to Skype international calls are free, but Skype to traditional phones cost money. Free Calls allows you to make a international calls to anyone across the globe for free, even if the recipient has no Internet connection. ★ Clear & Stable Calling - Dial away and make a high. For now, free phone calls are available to India, the USA, Pakistan, and a few other countries. The duration of the free internet calling is limited. A free internet call online is trial, so the quality of the free call is usually slightly worse than for ordinary calls. Also you can try to call 12345678, and make sure that your headphones and microphone work properly before calling for free. Free calling app. Sign up to get a second calling number and make international phone calls at cheap rates. Enjoy free texting and use the call recorder feature to record calls any time. Best Phone Call App in the iTunes Store Cheap or free international calls to over 200 countries Caller ID display.

  1. Download Call Mac Free
  2. Free International Calls From Macbook
  3. Can I Make Free International Calls
  4. Can I Call Internationally For Free

Almost every person has instant access to changes in the technology. The constant transformation of technology has opened many doors for us allowing to use many things than before. It is now simple for a person to communicate from one place to another due to presence of cell phones and telecommunication expansion.

Make Free Calls On Mac:

  1. Open in your Safari browser on Mac
  2. To make a free call through Ievaphone, choose the country from list and enter the number
  3. To initiate the call press the call button
  4. You will be automatically connected to the number you have dialled

Any person regardless of their location can call anywhere because the functionality offered by smartphones of the current generation. Due to the advancements in the technology, a person can make calls and connect with people through the desktop and PC. It is now easy for a person to make calls and send text from the system by using the simple means. You might be thinking as how to make free calls on Mac. There are many simple programs that are free and do allow you to make calls over the internet.

The free calls are easy to make without any trouble. You can make the calls as well as receive them whenever you want to. There is no need to move away from your place while working as you can make the calls from your Mac without touching your smartphone. The phone calls can also be routed to your phone regardless of any trouble. One can use the sites like iEvaphone allowing them to answer the big question of how to make free calls on Mac. The sites like iEvaphone do not charge a single amount for the offered services allowing you to use them without any trouble or worry.

Main disadvantage of using these services is the limitation of free calls for a day. Several free service providers do have a cap of limited number of calls that can be made in a time period of 24 hours. The main utilization of internet is there in providing the people the service to make free calls regardless of their location and time. These services do support phone calls to any number whether it is local or far away.

You can also make calls to landline and cell phones that are not using the service with ease. A free phone call service is only available to use for regular numbers and no sort of emergency services can be called up with the service offered. The site does offer their own numbers while aiding the person in making free calls to any number in the world.

For avoiding the misuse of the number, the restriction on the number of calls is there along with ban on making the calls to emergency numbers. People these service due to their functionality and how they integrate with other usage to give the person maximum benefit. A person can also make international calls and use it for the purpose of expanding the operations of their business establishments. It is quite a great alternative to the expensive call tariffs offered by telecom operators for making international calls more than once in a day.

Calling friends and family members is usually a top priority for anyone traveling or living abroad. Whether you’re feeling homesick, would like to tell a loved one how much you’ve missed them, or need to converse with a colleague who happens to be located in a different country, calling abroad can end up getting quite pricey. Take it from someone who nearly spent the amount of money it cost to buy flight ticket calling her then-boyfriend and best friend while she was abroad.

Instead of having to deal with extremely high phone bills (and a rather unpleased father), making international calls for free or for a low rate is something everyone should know how to do. If you need a guide on how to make international calls for free but don’t really feel like rummaging the web for your answer, we’ve got the exact answers you’re looking for right here. Let us guide you through the process of international calling using your smartphone.

How to Call Abroad For Free

Nowadays, several apps including our very own Viber, are able to connect users through their desktop, mobile or tablet to their friends and family no matter their physical location. Thanks to VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), a revolutionary method that takes analog audio signals and turns them into digital data that can be transmitted over the internet, international calling, which was once considered quite the luxury, has now become something every person is able to do for free.

As a cross-platform instant messaging and VoIP app, Viber enables you to call, video call and message other Viber users for free no matter where you are. How does it work, you wonder? Viber uses your 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi internet connection to enable you to call abroad for free no matter where you are. You should, however, be aware that there could be mobile data charges if you have exceeded your data plan. If your data plan is not unlimited, though, simply use a Wi-Fi connection as often as possible to avoid additional charges. And if you’re not sure about your data plan restrictions, contact your service provider for further information.

Here’s how to use Viber to call abroad for free to make international phone calls from your iPhone or Android. Simply follow these instructions:

From the contact list:

1. Choose to view only Viber contacts

2. Select the contact you want to call

3. Click Free Call

From a one-on-one chat:

1. Open your chat with the contact you want to call

Download Call Mac Free

2. Click the Call button

From the calls screen:

1. Open the calls screen

2. Click the phone icon next to one of your recent calls


1. Click Open Keypad

2. Enter the Viber user’s phone number in the correct format (+Country Code – Area Code – Phone number)

3. Click the Call button

You can also make free Viber to Viber calls from your desktop either by selecting a contact from your existing contact list or by typing in a contact’s phone number through your keypad. Here’s how to get it done by desktop in case you’re busy charging your phone in the meantime:

From the contact list:

1. Open Viber

2. Open the contact list

3. Select the contact you would like to call (Only contacts with the Viber badge can be called for free)

4. Click on the Phone Icon

5. Select Free Viber Call

From the keypad:

Free International Calls From Macbook

1. Open Viber

2. Select the keypad icon

3. Type the number you would like to call

Can I Make Free International Calls

4. Select the call button

Make @Viber your go-to app for free calls and messages no matter where you are in the world!- Click to Tweet

Making International Calls Using Your Smartphone

Now that you’ve got all the instructions you need on how to call abroad for free using your phone or desktop, you should know what other options are out there for making international phone calls to your family or friends who don’t have a Viber account.

While the majority of the world’s population owns a smartphone, there still are those who don’t own one, don’t have an internet connection or don’t have a Viber account. That’s where Viber Out comes into play, helping you get in touch with your loved ones no matter their circumstances.

Viber will never complete a call to a non-Viber user without first telling you that you’re about to make a regular call and requesting permission. However, if you know you’ll be making international calls on a regular basis, purchasing Viber Out credit is your best choice. Not only will it save you money but it will also prevent your having to search for cheap international calling alternatives.

With Viber Out you’ll be able to call anyone, no matter their location or circumstances. Call at a flexible and low-rate by choosing the option that best suits your needs:

Can I Call Internationally For Free

Credit plans:

  • Viber Out credit is added to your balance when you purchase any amount. With your credit, you can make calls to any number in the world at Viber’s low rates.

30-day calling plans:

  • The 30-day calling plan allows you to make international calls to the destination of your choice for the duration of 30 days at Viber’s low rates. This is a great solution for anyone who knows they’ll be abroad for a month and want to be able to stay in touch with family and friends.

Monthly subscription plans

  • The monthly subscription plan gives you the flexibility to make international calls to landlines and mobiles at low rates without having to renew your plan at any time. With the monthly subscription plan, you can save on the calls you’re already making.

Now that you not only know how to call abroad for free but also how to make international calls using your smartphone, you’re all set to go on your summer vacation, resting assured that your loved ones will be up to date regarding your trip with Viber’s help.